Immerse yourself in the refined universe of cigar with the cigar cigarette cellar VI, an elegant setting designed to preserve and enhance your favorite cigars. With its generous capacity and integrated hygrometer, this cellar ensures optimal humidity control, thus guaranteeing the ideal conservation of your precious cigars. Made with high quality materials, the Siglo VI cellar is distinguished by its sophisticated design and impeccable finish, making this accessory a real luxury object.
At Coca & Cavas, we are keen to offer you products that combine aesthetics and functionality. The Siglo VI cigar cellar embodies our commitment to offer storage solutions that meet the expectations of the most demanding amateurs. Perfect to embellish your space and protect your cigars, this cellar is a must for any collector. Order today and offer your cigars an environment worthy of their prestige.
Material: Alloy travel cellar for siglo vi cigar
Color: or (depending on the image) Travel cellar for Cigar Siglo VI
Size: 155*23*23mm (depending on the image displayed) Travel cellar for Cigaro Siglo VI
Capacity: Contains 1 parts of cigars (suitable for a cigar 2cm in diameter) Travel cellar for cigar Siglo VI
Net weight: approximately 0.1kg travel cellar for cigar siglo vi
Product prohibited for sale to the minor aged 18 and pregnant women 🤰🏽 .
To consume in moderation!
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